Hanieffa and Benazirs home | Interior Designing | Goyal Orchid Wood | Bangalore

2017-10-07 2

#Foyer area. When you enter this apartment the combination of black and white directly enhances the space and gives a feeling of coziness and peace. You can easily sit on the shoe cabinet and remove your shoes. A beautiful stone cladding is enlightened with some spot lights. We have also installed a lacquered glass as a partition which enhances even more, the elegance of the space. Light has been used carefully and thoroughly since it is one of the most important parts of interior design. The yellow light of the squared false ceiling makes the place even warmer.\r
# TV unit brightens the space with this sweet balance of black and white. Spot lights are still enlightening this combination of colors. The display unit and pigeon holes here can welcome many nice artifs. A black and long rafter is fixed all along the wall of the room, and some spotlights are fixed inside. You can easily relax on the sofa watching TV or reading, or you can just enjoy watching that lovely place.\r
# The false ceiling in the living-room is really well composed. On the center we have put three rafters where some yellow warm spot lights are given. The contrast is really interesting with the white cove lights and yellow spotlights lighting up different parts of the false ceiling.\r
#The Living area and the dining room are divided by a slanted partition with spotlights which gives a feeling of privacy. In the dining space we decided to put a crockery unit for storage that is made of different drawers. There is another nice stone cladding on the wall behind the crockery unit beautifying the space with its combination of the white niches and fixed on it. The long black rafter is still brightening up the space with his spot lights. There is a piece of ply that seems to hang idle beside the crockery unit! Surprise! It is ually a removable table which can be used in case of many guests.\r
#The kitchen has a combination of white and black currant that gives bright and fresh look by contrast. The white board is a really nice idea if you need to write something. There is a lot of storage in that kitchen and you can easy tidy up that place. There is a lovely shelf where you can easily store many spices. That space comes in really handy for the ones who cook the everyday meals in the house.\r
#In the Kids bedroom we used a dark and a light brown laminate contrast. A big wardrobe with a lot of storage and drawers have been installed since kids often need a lot of storage and as you can see, it is already full of toys. In one of the doors of that wardrobe we have attached a big mirror to give another dimension to that space. On the right side of that wardrobe there is a display unit made of different niches and drawers.\r
#In the master bedroom we used again the combination of black and white. The display unit offers a lot of storage. A lovely wall with a butterfly decal gives a feeling of softness to that bedroom. Like we did in the living area, we put a rafter on top with some spotlights. On the corner, we fixed a curved desk where it is really easy to sit and work. The huge master bedroom is well enhanced by a white and smooth head-board. On the other side, we can find a wardrobe with three loft storage on the top. It is all made of black glossy and metallic laminates that look really elegant and fancy.\r
#The guest bedroom too is pretty spacious and stands pretty with a beautiful wardrobe that has a combination of rich brown laminates sandwiched between the light brown laminates. A 7 feet big mirror is attached to the door of the wardrobe whereas some loft storage are provided on the top.